2011, Verio 3.0T, Siemens, MRI

ID Number: 56487
Updated: 10-25-22 
Date Posted: 10-25-22 
Quantity: 1 
Manufacturer: Siemens 
Description: MRI 
Type: Fixed 3T 
Model: Verio 3.0T 
DOM: 2011 
Condition: Good 
Older listings 'may' have already been sold.  
Location: Asia 
Installed: ?  
Availability: 10-26-22 
Inspect Date:  

Seller Type:



Sell Price:

Details: 2011 Siemens Verio 3.0T MRI Scanner
Location: Australia
Software Version: B19 4VB19B
Coils: Spine Matrix, PAMatrix head, PAMatrix feet, Neck Matrix, Head Matrix, Endorectal, Body Matrix, TXRx 15Ch Knee QED, 8CH Wrist, 8Ch Foot Ankle, 4Ch Shoulder Large & Small, 4Ch Flex Small & Large, 4Ch BI Breast feet Nor, 4Ch BI Breast head Nor
Gradient: VQ Gradients
No Of Rx Channels: 32
Options: N_Dynamic3D, N_TClass, N_TimCT_FastView, N_PhoenixZIP, N_ParametricMap, MPPS_SUPPORT, MR_3D_FMRI_INLINE, MR_Composing_Spine, N_WholeBody, N_Diffusion, N_DiffusionTensorImaging, N_Stepping, Tim_8_3T, MR_DIS3D, Tim_18_3T, Tim_32_3T, N_InlineComposing, N11BoldImaging, N11Spectroscopy, CAP3D_FILTER_MIP, CAP3D_FILTER_SSD, CAP3D_VOIMODE, CAP3D_MAIN, N11FlowQuant, N_SpecCSI, N_3D_PACE, MRI_ARGUS_FLOW_ANALYSIS, N_InlineDIS3D, N_SWI, N_BLADE, MR_SpecPostProc, MR_BoldEva_MAIN, N_PAT_Advanced, N_AdvFunctNeuro, N_Perfusion, MR_3D_FMRI_BASE, N_TimApplication, N_MatrixMode, N11Adv3D, MRI_CV_MAIN, N_Dynamic3D, SYNGO_GENERAL_LICENSE, GET_WORKLIST, N11AdvCardiac, MRI_ARGUS_MAIN, N_RoW, N11FlowQuant, N_ArterialSpinLabeling, VQ_Gradients, MR_STEREOTACTIC_TSE, MR_Support_i, N_Spec_3DCSI

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