Philips Achieva 16 Channel 1.5T MRI Scanner
MRI scanner with 60 cm bore
Magnet: ICG 1.5T F2000 Cryogenically efficient magnet with 15% burn off a year, Helium level is 64%
Gradients: Copley 271 Single water-cooled gradient system with separate water cabinets
RF Deck: S-23 Air cooled RF deck.
Computers: HP Z440 Host with software
DAS: CDAS 8 RF Channels
8 channel NV coil
8 Channel head coil
Knee/Foot Ankle coil (quad)
Synergy Spine 5 channel Coil
Synergy Body Flex Coil
Flex Medium Flex Coil
Wrist/Hand Coil Quad
Quad Shoulder Coil
Quad Head Coil
C1 Flex Coil
C3 Flex Coil
8 RF channels and a clean coil package
System is ready for installation.
Software Version:
Basic SW 3D MSK View SMART-Scan brain 2D-VCG
Spectro 3D Advanced EPI GraSE 3D Brain View
Spectro SENSE High SENSE Factors Keyhole DWI
DTI Phase navigators TE>TR Thrive
Q-Flow Contrast enj perf Moving bed imag Advanced Moving bed imag
Adv peripheral Angio High end recon Black Blood prepulse MSMP
Multivane cardiac triggered IR Retrospective Prosp. Motion corr.
Spectro T1 Perfusion SR-mid Diffusion Calc.
Perfusion Calc. Q-Flow analysis Routine UI XML/REC data export
MobiView Comfortone Patient condition UI Split Exam
TSE Optimized refocusing control
System is in good cosmetic condition
Technologist takes extreme care on the system
System under Philips Contract.
It is slated to come out the week of May 6th
Exit path is out a side wall on to gravel and near a blacktop driveway