2005, Espree 1.5T, Siemens, MRI


ID Number: 59081
Updated: 05-23-24 
Date Posted: 05-14-24 
Quantity: 1 
Manufacturer: Siemens 
Description: MRI 
Type: Fixed 1.5T 
Model: Espree 1.5T 
DOM: 2005 
Condition: Good 
Older listings 'may' have already been sold.  
Location: South East, US 
Installed: ?  
Availability: 07-01-24 
Inspect Date:  

Seller Type:



Sell Price:

Details: 2005 Siemens Espree 1.5T MRI Scanner
Software level
Syngo MR B17
Magnet Type Description-Oxford OR122
Magnet Condition Cold
Does Magnet Own Quench History- No
Last Cold-head Replacement Date
1/2019 (Is Due for replacement)
Current helium levels 57%
32 RF Channels
List of Coils & No. of Channels per Coil
Head Matrix, Extremity, Neck Matrix, Spine Matrix
Spine Matrix needs work
Last QA Date & Results 3/24 – Complete No Errors
Available for de-install in July
Must be completed by the end of that month.
Located in TN
System will be ramped down prior to de-install and egress will be provided

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