2005, 1.5T 11x, GE, MRI

ID Number: 59258
Updated: 07-10-24 
Date Posted: 07-01-24 
Quantity: 1 
Manufacturer: GE 
Description: MRI 
Type: Fixed 1.5T 
Model: 1.5T 11x 
DOM: 2005 
Condition: Good 
Older listings 'may' have already been sold.  
Location: South East, US 
Installed: ?  
Availability: 07-10-24 
Inspect Date:  

Seller Type:



Sell Price:

Details: 2005 GE 1.5T 11x MRI Scanner
8 Channels
Location: FL
De-Installation Date: 10th - 13th of July
Ground Level / Easy Egress (Through Wall onto Parking Lot)
11x Software Level, 8 Channel Gradients, ACGD Plus Software Options: 3DFRFSE, Asset Plus, FIESTA-C, Breast 2, ACGD Plus, Fluoro-Triggered MRA, MRCP3, Dynamic R1, Fiesta 3D, Asset, Functool 2, Interactive Vascular Imaging, Clariview, Performed Procedure Step, High Speed, iDrive Pro Plus, Smart Prep, SSFSE, Three Plane Localizer, Modality Worklist, E3DTOF, FSE_XL, Bloodsupp, Fastcine, iDrive Pro, iDrive, Smartprep 2000, Echo Planar Imaging, Fast Gradient Echo, Cine, Fast Spin Echo & FLAIR, Time of Flight, Phase Contrast Imaging, DW EPI, FLAIR EPI, SPECIAL. - 78% HELIUM LEVEL

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